jeudi 14 juillet 2016

BeadMaster 1.3 released

Great news everyone, the new version of BeadMaster is out with a new awesome feature: Pixel Groups.

It allows to create groups of pixel and manually choose the color of these groups. Just select some pixels in the right pane and click on the New Pixel Group button in the lower right corner. You can now change the color of the group.

What changed?

  • Pixel Groups
  • Reorganized menus
  • Preview and Inspector pane
  • Possibility to change the location of the inventory file (allowing to put it in dropbox and share it with multiple computers)
  • Support for Perler mini and Hama mini
  • Keeping last export settings used in the session
  • Minor bug fixes

Where to download?

vendredi 17 juin 2016

BeadMaster 1.2 released

Hey, I have been working on new features in the last couple weeks.

What changed?

  • Added support for mini beads.
  • Added the Import feature to crop an image.
  • Added Dithering feature (may downgrade performance)
  • Added an option to show bead id (zoom must be greater than 2500%)
  • Added an option to show beads in stock (name in listbox will be gray if not in stock)
  • BeadMaster is the default program for .bead files.
  • Packaged Windows version in an installer.
  • Fixed a bug in the Project Inspector.
Where to download?

lundi 6 juin 2016

BeadMaster 1.1.1 released

Hey everyone, last version got a few bugs so here is a new version.

What changed?

  • Fixed the Export feature.
  • Fixed the current zoom in the status bar not updating when using the Zoom In and Zoom Out from the View menu.
  • Added shortcuts (Ctrl + Minus) and (Ctrl + Equals) to Zoom Out and Zoom In.
  • Added a popup menu to select zoom factor when clicking on the current zoom in  the status bar.
  • Packaged Windows version in .exe

Where to download?

vendredi 3 juin 2016

BeadMaster 1.1 released

I really want to thank all of you who tried BeadMaster 1.0 and wrote me a comment or reported a bug/suggestion. You are the reason I was so motivated to work on version 1.1.

What changed in this version?
  • Added support for Bitmap, JPEG and GIF formats.
  • Added a confirmation message when overriding a file.
  • Limited image size to 300x300 pixels.
  • Added support for multiple pegboard sizes.
  • Added an option to flip the image horizontally or vertically.
  • Added a status bar showing current zoom and hovered pixel's bead.
  • Added the possibility to select a color as transparent.
  • Added the Project Inspector to see how many beads are used in a project.
Where can I download this AWESOME software?

Don't forget to comment on what you like or don't like about BeadMaster.

Enjoy :)

lundi 30 mai 2016

BeadMaster 1.0 released


I am glad to show you the project on which I have been working on for the past nine months: BeadMaster. This program converts images into bead sprite patterns by finding the closest bead's color for each color composing the image.

The main difference with the other programs like this one is that you can change all colors individually. You don't like the choice the algorithm made? Change it!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of features:

  • Color matching
  • Individual color replacement
  • View the original image and your pattern at the same time
  • Many levels of zoom (CTRL + MouseWheel)
  • Includes all bead's colors from Perler, Hama, Nabbi and Artkal
  • Customizable palette
  • Beads inventory
  • Open multiple projects at the same time with tabs
  • Save your projects
  • Export your projects to PNG with grid and pegboard lines
  • Supports transparency (PNG and GIF)

For now, you can download it from dropbox. I will probably change that in the near future.

If you encounter any bug or if you have a suggestion, you can use the "Report a Bug or Enhancement" feature located in the "Help" menu or you can go directly to the bug tracker and create a new issue: